Give Your Bedroom Joshua Tree Vibes With These Desert-Themed Pillows
Okay, check it: I JUST learned how to sew a couple of months ago. Granted, I had some basic knowledge and SORTA knew my way around a sewing machine, but I recently took a sewing boot camp class (at the amazing Workshop SF with the talented Jenny Lemons) to really lock it down. And with that, I wanted to test out my newly acquired sewing skills to add a little desert chic (it’s so hot RN) to the bedroom with some fun, colorful pillows. I’ll show you how to make three pillows - easy, medium and difficult - so you too can have a dreamy bedroom with some serious desert vibes. But please note this one caveat: The skill levels I’ve assigned to the pillows are based on my very entry-level sewing skills. Pro seamstresses could probably whip these out in no time. So, if you’re like me and want to get reacquainted with your sewing machine, scroll on and see how it’s done. EASY: SERAPE BLANKET BOLSTER PILLOW Alright y’all, if you can work a sewing machine in any basic capacity, you ...